Why Aren’t People Taking Action On My Website?
Choosing a website design can be hard. At first we hone in on other people’s websites and admire how pretty they are or how appealing… and we say ‘I want one like THAT!’ But website fashions come and go – just like everything else, and the design is NOT where to start. To create a website with staying power, we need so much more than the pastel shades or the glorious script font. ...
You Want a New Website, But Worried You’ll Pick The Wrong Web Designer?
I have worked with many wonderful clients designing their websites, and the one common thread that comes through is that most have held back for some time in committing to a new website because they weren’t sure they could find a website designer who would have any chance of ‘getting’ what they wanted, when they didn’t even know themselves!I completely understand this, because before I became a...
How To Create a Great Home Page for Your Website
Hey there! I did a Brand and Website Audit for a client this week, and thought I’d share my findings of the most common threads amongst so many of the websites I review, and hopefully this will help you too! I’ll bet you have a great business, and have some fabulous blogs on your website and you probably share some great information off of your website too, but we want to make sure that, when...