I have worked with many wonderful clients designing their websites, and the one common thread that comes through is that most have held back for some time in committing to a new website because they weren’t sure they could find a website designer who would have any chance of ‘getting’ what they wanted, when they didn’t even know themselves!

I completely understand this, because before I became a web designer, I had websites built for my businesses and felt exactly the same. I wished I could find someone that magically created a website I loved, but instead I made some mistakes because I didn’t know any better and worked with people that didn’t know how to understand me either.

Let me tell you that one of the biggest mistakes was choosing a web ‘developer’ rather than a web designer – there’s a crucial difference!

Whilst I say this with the caveat that of course this doesn’t always apply, I would say that Web Developers tend to be men with a masculine left brain approach and they are great at the techie stuff for sure, but my own experience has been that they just don’t seem to have that sense of design flair (sorry guys!). I think women especially, want a website that looks beautiful (not just functional) and for that we need to be looking for someone with a creative edge.

A great website is an essential asset for your business. It is a place where your clients can come find you, learn about you, get to really like you… it’s a place where you can showcase your offerings and your expertise and relay your passion and purpose and I don’t want you to be without this advantage in your business.

So let’s get you unstuck and find a great web designer you love! Here’s 5 steps you can follow to help you choose someone great to help you get your brand elevated to the next level of  impact and super-success!

1. Find Someone Like You

We are all drawn to people like us, and that is important for web design too. So take a look at their website and get a feel for who they are. Do you feel a connection? Would you consider them for a friend? Do they seem to understand how you feel? If not, then maybe move along…

You want to work with someone who writes words on their own website that resonate with you. You want to feel that they share your outlook on life.

Because when choosing a website designer, they need to have similar values and ‘get’ you, because working with designers is so much easier if they are JUST LIKE YOU.

If they are, they will understand you at a deeper level, feel your passion, empathise with your cause, understand the look & feel for your website that is right for you AND help you translate those random thoughts you are having about your dream into a website that you love!

2. Look For Empathy

Honestly, I can’t tell you how much easier my job is as a website designer because I am an empath. Empaths feel what others are feeling intensely, and this gift helps me feel into the design and the copy that needs to be written in a way that it speaks for my clients.  Empaths ‘feel’ ALOT. So on the designers website, do they make you feel something powerful? Do they talk about feelings? If they do, they may well be an empath and possibly even understand you better than you understand yourself!

3. Look At Testimonials and Reviews

A great way to get to understand how a website designer works is to read reviews of their work from previous clients. Look for points in the reviews that matter to you. See if people tell you how they just ‘got’ them. See whether they are praised for their supportive nature. See whether people are genuinely enthused about WHO THE PERSON IS – as well as how lovely the website is.

4. Ask To See Previous Work

By seeing previous work you can get a feel for the Website Designers Style and their usual client-type. It is also a good idea to go for a website designer who specialises in designing sites for people just like you because if they love working with people like you, they will be more in their flow.

5. Book a Call

Once you have found someone that ticks all the boxes, the final check you can make is to ensure that you speak to them 1:1 – preferably on a video call where you can see their face and see whether you click together and have rapport.

You need to like them and don’t settle for less. It’s important that you feel like you are part of a team with your website designer with a mutual understanding of your brand and what you want to achieve.

To Book a Call and find out whether we are a great fit, simply email claire@claire-smith.com or find me on facebook @thebrandilluminator and send me a message from there!